The holiday season of 2017 might be over, and 2018's is still a ways away, but Hallmark isn't letting that stop them from adding more gaming joy into every aspect of your life.
This year, Hallmark will be releasing three Nintendo themed ornaments: a Super Mario Kart Mario, a classic Link (from the first Legend of Zelda game), and a Donkey Kong arcade cabinet. Not only do they look awesome, each figure has cool little extra details; the wheels on the Mario Kart ornament spin, the Link plays the original 8-bit theme, and the Donkey Kong arcade cabinet plays the theme and lights up at the press of a button!
While Mario and Donkey Kong will be releasing in (Christmas in) July, Legend of Zelda fans will have to wait until October to get their fix. Regardless, they'll all be out with more than enough time for you to add them to your tree this year. Although with how good they look, nothing says you have to take them down after the holidays end!